Will Barton, creator of
I Started This Blog In 2011 As A Means to share my passion for RV Camping and Outdoor adventure.
Being a full-time RVer, it was a natural fit. This website is where I’ll share my knowledge, experience, and adventures that come from a life on the road less traveled.
Here’s a little bit of the story about how I got into RV camping in the first place…
RV Dreaming
I love the outdoors. Hiking, mountain biking, kayaking, cross-country skiing, and snowboarding are my favorite activities. But I had a problem…I lived in a city surrounded by a sea of corn, and had to travel a good distance just to enjoy these activities.
Eventually I realized that with an RV, all I need do is step out my front door, and the adventure could begin. I could put the RV in the parks, near the trails, and next to the lakes and rivers…step outside, and have paradise at my feet.
With retirement far in the future, I had to figure a way to pay the bills while living this RV lifestyle. I realized that if I could make money online, all I would need is an internet connection…I could live and work anywhere!
Initially, I decided to sell products online. There was one problem though…putting a warehouse in an RV seemed a logistical impossibility. After some research I found out about drop shipping, where the big warehouses would take care of the inventory, so I wouldn’t have to. My career with eBay and Amazon began. I sold computer software and video games at first, then moved onto health and nutrition products.
With the money I made online I purchased a second hand truck and a 5th wheel travel trailer. Neither was in tip-top shape (far from it!) and much work needed to be done. I spent 5 months making repairs and outfitting the RV for full-time self-sufficient living.
I installed a solar panel on the roof, repaired a leaky freshwater tank, reconstructed some of the rear wall and floor (after discovering water damaged wood), purchased an efficient catalytic heater (which uses no battery power), furnished the upstairs bedroom with a computer desk, waterproofed the exterior (which needed lots of putty tape!), and mounted a 45 gallon water tank in the bed of the truck, enclosed in a makeshift plywood box.
After months of work, I was finally ready to hit the road. And with Iowa in a deep freeze, I didn’t delay. My first priority was pointing the RV south to warmer climes, then west to sunny Arizona where I heard there were plenty of places to camp.
That was January 2010, and I’m still at it, traveling as a full-time RVer and living a life I never thought possible. It’s been one big adventure, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
And now, as John Muir once said “The mountains are calling and I must go.”
Keep the Adventure Rolling!
Don’t let the adventure pass you by! Here are 3 ways to get RV Boondocking Adventure headed your way!
1) RV Blog: Stay informed about what’s new at RV-Boondocking-Adventure.com. Receive up-to-the minute notices via RSS by clicking here.
2) Visit our Facebook Page and while you’re there click the Like Button at the top of the page. You’ll find lots of boondocking photos with information on where to camp.
3) Sit back and watch our RV Boondocking YouTube Channel where you’ll find videos on all things boondocking. From unbelievable campsites, wildlife encounters, how-to and tech, you’ll surely find something of interest…and be sure to subscribe to be notified of new videos.