The Needles, Colorado River, Arizona | Camping

Needles Mountain Road is a convenient place to camp, just off I-40 and 2 miles east of Topock, Arizona. The Colorado River is only 2 miles west. This camping area is on BLM land.
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge is on this side of the river (Arizona side) and lies about 1 mile to the west and south. No motorized vehicles are allowed inside the refuge and it make an excellent hiking playground. The scenery in the refuge is worth every step.
Highlights of this area include: The Needles Mountains, Topock Gorge, River Island, and Topock Marsh (north of I-40).
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Where in The World?
Camping Elevation: 740 feet
GPS Coordinates: N 34 43.116’ W 114 26.341’
Directions to Camping Area: From Topock, Arizona travel east on I-40 for 2 miles and take exit 2 for Needles Mountain Road. Turn right on Needles Mountain Road heading south then southwest for 0.3 miles. On the right, before the road descends, you’ll see a faint road leading to a few campsites. To reach the main camping area continue on the main road another 0.3 miles to a large open area with room for several RVs of any size. The road does descend and cross a wash. I wouldn’t recommend taking luxury 40+ foot motorhomes or trailers on this road, but it might be possible. Always scout out the area first, before bringing in the big rigs.
The Needles Camping Area Map
The Needles RV Camping Journal
December 3, 2012
I have a great view where I’m camped. I can see the Colorado River below to the west, the Chemehuevi Mountains across the river, and the Mohave Mountains are right here to the south.
Recreation: There were a few visitors out exploring the washes and primitive roads with 4WD vehicles and OHVs. Motorized travel is limited here as the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge lies only about a mile to the south and west, where no motorized travel is allowed.
Hiking is the best way to really see the sights. There are several washes that make perfect hiking trails. The refuge is also littered with wild burro trails, which also make great hiking trails…just don’t get lost in the maze of paths going this way and that. The primitive roads see few vehicles and are also excellent for hiking or mountain biking.
Colorado River Hike: This hike is a must do for its spectacular views of The Needles and the Colorado River through Topock Gorge. Taking the main jeep road south and west will lead you to a small canyon just wide enough for a vehicle. This road ends at the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge. From here you can hike the wash down to the Colorado River. There’s a way to reach the water by descending just south of the gauging station and under the cliff, where you’ll come to a small (but pretty) sandy beach.
Weather: During the 12 days I was here at the end of November into December it was mostly sunny every day. Highs were in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 50s. I didn’t have much wind, just a light breeze during the day.
Wildlife: I saw bighorn sheep, wild burros, black-tailed jackrabbits, gambel’s quail, ground squirrels, many birds, ducks, gulls, and lizards.
Insects: I didn’t see many insects, no problems.
Peacefulness: This camping area is a short distance from the road, so vehicles can be seen and often heard. I-40 is very close too, and traffic can be seen and heard on it. It’s not very peaceful as traffic on I-40 can be heard 24/7. There is also a busy train track next to the interstate.
Shade: None, it’s mostly creosote bush.
RV Solar: Plenty of sun for charging batteries with solar panels.
Cell Signal: My Verizon cell phone signal was very strong. I had very fast Verizon mobile broadband internet too.
RV Campsite Rating: 7 out of 10. It’s a very convenient place to camp if you’re just passing through…and if you’re looking for adventure and superb scenery, you’ll find that too. Exploring the Mohave Mountains next to the Colorado River is your prescription for fun – and that’s why this RV campsite also makes a great destination!