Wing Mountain, Flagstaff, Arizona | Camping

A gorgeous forest, picturesque meadows, and colorful volcanic cinders make Wing Mountain northwest of Flagstaff, Arizona a beautiful camping experience. The mountain is an extinct volcano that blew its top much like nearby San Francisco Mountain, but on a smaller scale. There are many treeless cinder pits, including one that is open to off highway vehicles. A single track dirt bike trail and several primitive forest roads make exploration an adventure.
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Where in The World?
Camping Elevation: 7,500 feet
GPS Coordinates: N 35 16.206’ W 111 45.065’
Directions: to Camping Area From Flagstaff, Arizona take Highway 180 northwest about 8 miles and turn left (west) onto Forest Road 222. This road will be the first one on your left after passing a meadow with houses. Head west on FR 222 and you will find a bounty of campsites throughout the forest along FR 222 and its side roads.
Wing Mountain Camping Area Map
Wing Mountain RV Camping Journal
July 22, 2011
I’m camping just east of Wing Mountain off Forest Road 9230R in the beautiful Coconino National Forest. I’m close to Flagstaff and only 7 miles northwest of town. There isn’t much traffic on FR 9230R and FR 222 is out of view from the campsite.
Recreation: There is much to see and do nearby. San Francisco Mountain and its many trails are to the northeast. Lava River Cave is just northwest of here. There are also many forest service roads to mountain bike, including the loop around Wing Mountain. It’s an excellent area for dirt bikes as there are many single track motorcycle trails. There are many, many primitive forest service roads to explore.
Weather: Monsoon season arrived right on schedule and soon after I arrived in early July. I had a few days of heavy rain, which only lasted for short periods. I experienced thunderstorms and cloudy weather, but not so much rain. The storms came about every afternoon and brought some rain, mostly just light rain or sprinkles. Highs have been in the 70s and lows in the 40s and 50s. It’s quite calm here most of the time, which is a nice change from the typical windy weather. The cloud cover and the dense forest is probably why it’s been mostly calm.
Cows: Hooray, there are no cows. There is a meadow beyond a fence to the south (on the other side of FR 222) where cows have grazed. I didn’t see any while I was here though.
Insects: I haven’t had any problem with insects.
Peacefulness: At the time, there was gun noise from a popular target practice area at a cinder pit next to Wing Mountain. I don’t know if target practice is still allowed near this popular camping area.
RV Solar: I have a good deal of shade which makes charging with solar difficult. The ponderosa pines are tall and it’s not as open as other parts of the forest. However, it all depends on the campsite…some are more open with more sun.
Cell Signal: Verizon cell phone service has been great with a strong signal. Verizon mobile broadband internet has been fast – especially with the external antenna placed on my RV roof.
Campsite Rating: 7 out of 10. Overall, it’s a real nice campsite. The biggest drawback is the shade from the trees which makes charging with solar difficult.